Below are the awesome guests we have had on our show! If they have projects, please check them out!
- Michelle (Geek Cocktails, Cards Against Humanity)
- Kitty (Geek Cocktails, Cards Against Humanity, Dark Disciple, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, Boozylicious Girl Talk, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Star Trek)
- Cassandra (Dark Disciple, The Force Awakens, Boozylicious Girl Talk)
- Sophie (Dark Disciple, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, Boozylicious Girl Talk)
- Lanie (Geek Crushes, Cosplay)
- Jessica (Geek Crushes, Cosplay, D&D for Beginners)
- Ofelia (Batman v Superman, Intro to Anime)
- Eileen (Batman v Superman, Intro to Anime)
- Liz Padjen (Liz Padjen, Upcoming Movies)
- Carla Sue (DCTV, Who Wore It Best: Superhero Edition)
- Mandy from Casterquest (D&D for Beginners, Dungeons and Dragons Campaign)
- Kim (Video Games, Wonder Women)