Tag: TV

July 14, 2017 / DC Comics

In this episode, Liz and Heather, along with guest Kim Gordon, talk all about Wonder Women – not just the movie, but also the world of women directors and what we hope for the future! We give a few shout-outs right up front to the people who interacted with our…

March 23, 2017 / Robots

Robots and Cyborgs and Droids Oh My!! In this episode, Heather and Liz discuss their favorite near-human companions throughout sci-fi and fantasy! Join us as we hit our favorites throughout our favorite fandoms. Robots and Cyborgs and Droids, Oh My!! This may be our most mansplained episode ever, so we…

February 2, 2017 / Movies

In this episode, Heather and Liz talk time travel in entertainment (but not real science, so don’t tell us we don’t know science – because we already know that). Time Travel We are discussing time travel in TV and movies. Since we don’t have Dr. Neil Degrass Tyson on the show…

May 13, 2015 / Guilty Pleasures

Welcome to Episode 13 – Guilty Pleasures! This episode, Liz and Heather talk about their favorite guilty pleasures and what makes them guilty. Could it be social acceptability of age-related interests? Am I too old to do these things? What makes it guilty? Food – It isn’t good for you…