Episode 92 – BOOK CLUB – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

In this episode, Liz and Heather continue working their way through the halls of Hogwarts with our Book Club Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (book 2 in the series).

Book Club Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Exciting News!

We are rolling up on our 100th episode, and we would love to have some clips from friends and listeners to include during this episode. You can just send a congratulations, tell us about your favorite moments, or just whatever you would like to say. You can e-mail the audio clip to ContactUs@nerdybitches.com by March 31, 2018!

Book Club Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

We work our way through the second book in the series in detail. We have given up on attempting summaries because we suck at them, so if you need that, check out some other site and come back to us. There are a lot of laughs and a lot of WTF kind of moments where we question the intelligence of Ron and Harry. But, really… what can you expect from a couple of 12 year old kids.

Spoiler Alert – We will be talking in-depth about this book ONLY, but will not be spoiling any future books or movies, as much as we might want to. So, if you haven’t read beyond this book, no worries!

PROMO – High Expectations Podcast (1:16 mark)

Check out our favorite lady podcast from New Zealand and their awesome accents!

Ask A Nerdy Bitch Segment

We answer give advice and answer listener questions on etiquette from a nerdy bitch perspective. Thank you to What Were They Thinking podcast, Besotted Geek podcast, Everything I Learned from Movies podcast, Cult 45 Podcast, History of Bad Ideas podcast, and our own OperaMan for submitting your questions!

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Craig Price Written by:

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