HOBBITS!! Or Hobbitses, if you prefer the Smeagol/Gollum pronunciation. Either way, we love them!

This week, we cover all things Middle-earth, Hobbit-ish, and Peter Jackson (as related to these films (LOTR, and The Hobbit). The basic truth is that we LOVE them. Whether you read the books or only saw the movies, you have to love these stories. If not, get the hell off our podcast! Just kidding… sort of…
We discuss the transition from book to movies – should they have been translated into three movies? Did they destroy the plot line? Did they overstep their bounds by showing so much of the White Council?
We also talk about the technical aspects of high frame rate (48 fps) photography and 3D and our opinions on whether those are worth the high ticket prices. And motion capture – Andy Serkis and Benedict Cumberbatch are both completely amazing in their motion capture roles of Gollum and Smaug, respectively.
And… SPIDERS! What the hell is up with all of the spiders in movies? We blame Tolkein for spiders popping up in various movies and shows like Harry Potter and Doctor Who. And that giant puppy-sized spider in our real world?? Just – No.
And we discuss the characters and actors portraying them, inclusive of random characters that were never in the book.
Bitch of the Week – Ebola. Scare tactics and fear-mongering in the media after the recent scare in the U.S.– This is clearly medical science’s Super Bowl, much like the weatherman’s hurricane here on the Gulf Coast.
Random Internet Comments taken out of context – from DaddyScratches, “The time to buy a used, almost free Bobcat is when you see one. That’s what my old Grandpappy used to say.” Sound advice, DaddyScratches. Machinery or wildcat? You decide.
- From Heather – BoJack Horseman (animated series) – available on Netflix
- From Liz – Daria (animated series) – Entire series available on HuluPlus
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Next episode – MARVEL!!
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