Episode 4 – The Doctor’s Companions

Spoilers… In episode 4, we talk about Doctor Who companions. companions

We focus on the reboot of Doctor Who, starting with the 9th Doctor, in 2005. Companions covered are:

  • Rose Tyler
  • Captain Jack Harkness
  • Mickey
  • Donna Noble
  • Sarah Jane Smith
  • Amy & Rory (“The Ponds”)
  • River Song/Melody Pond
  • Craig Owen (only in 2 episodes, but we love him!)
  • Clara Oswald (in all her iterations)

We discuss our favorites and least favorites companions throughout the series. We love River Song. She is the number one on both of our lists. We also love Captain Jack! The Ponds also made it to our favorites list. Donna Noble makes the list in our favorite for all of her snark, wit, and personality.

Donna wins our vote for the saddest ending for any companion.

Our Most Hated Least Favorites – Mickey (the Tin Dog!), Martha Jones (UGH!), Clara (Booooring!), and early Rose Tyler (we liked her better going forward).

We also talk a bit about the show’s writers, including a slight debate regarding Russell T. Davies vs. Steven Moffett. Who writes the cheesier episodes? Who writes the best day-to-day shows versus big plot twists?

What is the point of the companion for the Doctor? Why does he need them and what do they bring to the table for a Time Lord?


Feed the Troll – from Sunderland56 – “To be fair, if she had two female parents, and no male in the house, How would she learn to drive?” … Seriously?

Out of Context Comment of the Week – from YouTube – Braden says, “Likes dogs and cats.” That is definitely a controversial topic… ??

Bitch of the Week – High School Reunions – WTF? Why is it 6 months too early? Where the hell did the time go? This is not ok. Do you feel like a grown-up? We still don’t. But we are old.  And it sucks.  The End.

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ElizabethBlessitt Written by:

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