In this episode, Liz and Heather wrap up our coverage of Comicpalooza 2016. We are completely exhausted after the con, but had such an awesome time participating and being on the podcast program team this year!
Wrap Up
- We were invited by our friends at Sarah and Cassi’s Nerdy Adventure to participate in their Women in Podcasting panel Friday afternoon. This panel was so much fun! We worked with Sarah & Cassi, Jenny from I Love Flavor, and Mandy from Caster Quest. We talked about being women in the male-dominated world of podcasting, how to start your own podcast, and lessons we have learned since starting.
- We believe the con should be any time other than June, because in Houston, it is hotter than the face of the sun. Thank everything for air conditioning!
- We had a good time passing out our podcasting stickers and getting new people interested in the podcast. Then, we met these guys…
- That Predator guy’s mask clicked just like in the movie! It was really cool and a little terrifying! We also loved the gender-bending Sailor Moon! It was so much fun to see everyone dressed up and people were so nice and always willing to take a picture!
- We attended Cult 45: The Movie Podcast’s live podcast show! We love these guys!! We are looking forward to doing some kind of cross-over show with them. They are our new best friends… and we LOVE Brandon’s wife Carla! Call us! 🙂
- We also attended the Aliens Q&A, which was fantastic. We wish it would have been twice as long because with a large panel, you don’t get very far with the questions. Also, Bill Paxton totes made eye contact with Liz. She is sticking to that story.
- We attended the Business of Podcasting panel with our own Producer Craig, along with a lot of other people who run awesome podcasts. Ming Chen was also on this panel and it was great getting to meet him.
- Heather made it to the Boondock Saints Q&A, which was short one Norman Reedus. Sean Patrick Flannery was all sorts of hot and dirty. Good times.
- Con Crud is a real thing. Many people feel bad now after being around so much.
Coming Up
We were thrilled to be a part of this show and are really looking forward to next year! Now, we will be returning to our regular format and will be covering our Book Club on World War Z (Max Brooks), a superhero movie catch up (Deadpool, Captain America: Civil War, and X-Men: Apocolypse), and we will also be having some brand new guests that we met at the con!
Make sure you are following us on Twitter (@nerdybitchespod), Instagram (@nerdybitches), Pinterest (@nerdybitches), and Facebook (Nerdy Bitches Podcast).
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