Welcome to Vag Power, with the Nerdy Bitches! In this episode, Heather and Liz discuss how women are portrayed in movies, video games, and comics.
Liz tells her story of her niece’s realization of how discount/overstock stores work. Nerdy bitch in the making? Absolutely!
Comment from Jessica, a loyal listener:
“Right now I’m playing Legion of Heroes on my android phone and am trying to figure out the practicality of a lot of the outfits. I play games sometimes and I have to wear a blanket OVER my official gaming bathrobe because my female characters look so fucking cold….”
“I know men are the main demographic for video games, and I know men like seeing scantily clad women. Got it, but how would men feel if they saw their character fighting trolls on a snowy mountain in a Speedo? Their testicles would shrink INTO their small intestines.”
Fair point, Jessica. We agree!! Check out this video that completely describes what you are talking about: Female Armor Sucks
Even your average three-year old understands that it isn’t fair that Wonder Woman doesn’t get armor, but Batman does (with nipples!)
Listen to how we feel about an all-female Avengers. Check out the Hawkeye Initiative to see how it would really look if male characters were drawn like female characters. (And we vote Death to Duckface!!)
The Bechdel Test – Does it have a good representation of women?
- It has to have at least two named-female characters in it,
- who talk to each other, and
- about something besides a man.
What movies failed? Avengers, Spiderman, Batman (new or old), Superman
Let’s talk about the ways in which media has gotten women’s roles right:
- Agents of Shield
- Agent Carter
- Big Bang Theory
- Guardians of the Galaxy
What does the future hold? We’ve come a long way, but still have a ways to go. We have hope with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel coming up in the next few years.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We are announcing our first official choice for the Nerdy Bitches Book Club: Princess Bride by William Goldman. We will be discussing this book in three weeks (Episode 12)! Go, read it. Then listen. It’s a book club, so there will absolutely be spoilers.
Random – Liz reveals her awesome Zombie Apocalypse Plan. Heather is just planning to burn her home down while still inside.
Bitch of the Week: Electronic addictions. Video games (Heather) and Internet (Liz).
Out of Context Quote of the Week:
“A story about a female superhero is just too far-fetched. Studios won’t make what they can’t sell. They’ll stick to machine gun raccoons and emotionally complex house plants. It’s just easier for people to relate.” –BigLuca
- Heather: The Hawkeye Initative (thehawkeyeinitiative.com)
- Liz: The Ghost and the Darkness (movie) – on Netflix
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